Blind Date Advice For Men:
Tips For Meeting a Stranger

Blind dates are as tricky as any other first date. The only difference is that it is lot more scarier as you’re meeting a complete stranger. Everyone of us must have been on blind date once in a lifetime which turned out to be a complete disappointment. According to Helen Keller, “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” So, failures should not stop you from trying as it doesn’t mean the game is over. It should actually motivate you to try again with experience. The fact that you’re actually blind-folded to the nature and behavior of the person sitting next to you makes it even more nerve-wracking. Despite the theoretical obstacles, it is not necessary that the meeting has got to be a failure.
Whether it’s a set-up date or meeting someone for the first time, there are certain protocols that should be followed. It is specially for men as it is up them to deliver on such meetings. Do you have a blind date scheduled? Get equipped with some of the below-mentioned successful blind dating tips and make sure that you’ve an experience of your lifetime.
Keep the expectation to neutral
Setting a very high expectation of a person that you haven’t even met is the biggest mistake committed by men. Moreover, comparing your current date with your ex-girlfriend or even the women you idolize is absolutely unfair. Every person is different and have their positives and negative. Take it as an opportunity to meet a new person. Keep the expectation to neutral and try to understand her. See if you guys are clicking. You never know, you might end up meeting a soul mate or a friend for the lifetime.
Carefully choose the venue
Night clubs is an ideal place to hangout with friends, but not for such meetings. Choose a quite place where you can talk comfortably. At the same time, make sure that you take her at an isolated venue. This will scare the hell out of her. Remember, you are as strange to her as she is for you. Comforting the lady should be your highest priority. Places such as restaurant or a less crowded sight seeing destination is ideal. You can even go to movies, but you won’t get to talk as much as you’re looking forward to.
Keep your action plan ready
An unorganized man can turn off a lady. So, prepare well for the day. Make a check list of the things that you need to do and the places that you’re planning to visit. Do the bookings in advance, in order to avoid the hassles in the eleventh hour. A bit of improvisation on the day is expected. But the last minute commotion can ruin the entire day. Half the job of impressing her will be done if you are well prepared.
The first impression can actually be the last one
The saying first impression is the last impression, kind of applies in this situation. Meeting of these sorts are very decisive. You either win or loose, there is no mid-way for the same. It takes seconds for girls to decide whether you’re the right person or not. So, watch what you say in front of her. Some men prefer staying silent, so that, the woman opens up. This is another mistake. Ladies like to be with gentleman who takes the charge. The fear of turning her off shouldn’t stop you from making your move. However, be a gentle and talk politely. The honest smile of a man can melt any woman. The basic chivalry and the trait of a gentleman can work as icing on the cake. Make the first move, but allow her to do the talking as well. Be a good listener and make her feel comfortable with your friendly behavior.
Dress to impress
This is the first thing that any woman notices in a man or at least the man she’s expecting in her life. So, dress according to the event. Lets the face the truth! No one can judge the person in the very first meeting, but this is their way of judging a person. A well-dressed man resembles a person who cares and respects the seriousness of the event. A casually dressed man on the first date will project your personality as a person for whom it’s just a casual meeting. Here are some dressing norms that every man needs to follow.
- Choose the attire according to the venue. If you’re meeting her at the restaurant, then, keep it formal. Formal wear doesn’t mean that you’ve to be in the office attire. Just keep it simple and sleek. A formal shirt paired with a trouser and blazer is perfect. Or else, you can even pair a t-shirt with a jeans and a coat. The semi-formal look is ideal option for such occasions. Remember to keep everything elegant and sophisticated. Do not wear the rugged jeans and printed t-shirts.
- Some blind dates are scheduled at casual place like a golf course or places of this sort. choose the wardrobe accordingly. You can even don a sophisticated look with the casual attire, just select the right ensemble. Something like a classic Ralph Lauren polo t-shirt paired with a trouser and sneakers is ideal for such locations.
- The color combination is another important aspect. The colors should be subtle and not jazzy. Choosing the contrasting combinations is the ideal way to be band on trend without going over-the-board.
- The clothes should be clean, well-ironed and perfectly tailored. The fit of the clothes should be perfect. Women hate nothing more than an untidy look.
- The shoes reflects the personality of the person. So, makes sure that your pair of footwear is complimenting your personality as well as the attire. It should be clean and fresh.
Grooming is important
There is no doubt about the lady will do everything to impress you, as far as the looks is concerned. The same is expected from you. Groom yourself well and add some pizzazz to your personality. Trim your beards appropriately and bathe properly. Wear a soothing men’s cologne that lasts long. Avoid using very strong perfume as it is a sign of immaturity. Moreover, remember to use a mouth freshner before and after having dinner. Ladies hate any sort of odor.
Final say
The day may turn out to be a beautiful event if your put in a bit of effort. Try to be hones to her and yourself. Instead of faking and then regretting later, let her see your true self. Be a gentleman, open the doors for her, hang up her coat, pull out the chair for her. This is the best way to show respect to your date. Be on time at the venue. It’ll be better if you pick her up from her place. Try to spend some time alone and bug the friend that has set up the two of you. At the same time, make sure that the meeting is not too long unless you actually find the much-needed chemistry.
Keep it simple and enjoy the day!